Merriam-Webster defines path as: a trodden way; a track specially constructed for a particular use; a course, route; a way of life, conduct, or thought. Join the Live Healthy Live Well 6-week “Finding Your Path to Wellness” email challenge to start or continue your trodden way to overall health and wellness. As Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu stated, “Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind, and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness.”

Based on participant feedback, we will continue hosting an optional webinar series related to the challenge content each week. A challenge BINGO card will be provided for those who like to make a game of it. And as always, you have access to the OSU Live Healthy Live Well blog site and our OSU Family and Consumer Sciences Facebook page all year round.

Register by clicking the link below. Answer a few questions and you are ready to go. Online pre- and post-challenge surveys will be used to track participant progress and comments. Expect a pre-challenge message the week of April 1st and the first challenge message the week of April 8th.   

Please feel free to share this email and the attached flyer (PDF/JPEG) with colleagues or on social media. Thank you.