Eligibility for 4-H membership begins when a child is age 5 and is enrolled in kindergarten as of January 1 of the current year (Cloverbuds). Membership to the 4-H club program begins when a child is at least 8 and enrolled in 3rd grade as of January 1 of the current year. Ohio 4-H membership ends December 31 of the year in which an individual attains the age of 19. Membership begins when an eligible individual is enrolled in a club or group that is under the direction of a trained adult and within the scope of Ohio State University Extension. 

To join 4-H you must select a 4-H club and contact an advisor with that club to determine when the first meeting will be held. Brochures listing all the 4-H clubs and head advisors in Hardin County are available at the Extension office.  You must attend the first meeting, choose a project from the 4-H Family Guide, and complete an enrollment card. It is important to attend as many of the meetings as possible and work steadily to complete your project. Projects are judged the last part of July and completed projects can be exhibited at the county fair in September. 

The expectations for 4-H membership are a balance among 4-H project work, involvement in the 4-H club, participation in 4-H activities and events, and working towards improving one's personal growth.

2024 Club Directory

All members must go to https://oh.4honline.com to complete the online enrollment.