2024 Spring Achievement

2023 Cultural Arts Show Information

On April 5, 2022 the Hardin County Homemakers held their annual Spring Achievement program at the Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge in Kenton, Ohio with 46 Homemakers and guests in attendance.  This year we had 5 district, state officers, and guests in attendance from Marion and Fulton counties.  Roll call was taken by Janice Durenberger and Elaine Hoover.

This year’s theme was “Homemakers are the Bee’s Knees”. Homemaker council president Janice Durenberger welcomes the participants by reading the Homemaker’s Creed.

Benjamin Sapp of the Mazza Museum located at the University of Findlay campus, Findlay, Ohio, was our opening speaker.  Ben mentioned that you will experience the art of picture books through the eyes of the artists and authors.  You will see the creative process from first sketches to the final original artwork. There are over 12,000 pieces at the museum.

Doris Blum from the Hardin County Genealogy Society talked concerning “Weaving Pictures Into Your Family Genealogy”. Doris stressed when working with family pictures to put names and dates on the pictures for future identification. Doris also explained the importance of taking care of pictures so they won’t fade.

Lieutenant Scott Holcomb from the Hardin County Sherriff’s office did a presentation, “Is Fighting for Your Purse Worth It?”. He explained that no item is worth getting hurt over and also to be aware of what and who is around you. If your purse is stolen, cancel your credit/debit cards, know approximately how much money you were carrying and also what kind of medicine you had with you.  The main thing—Stay Alert!

The Ladies of the Moose provided lunch of potato or vegetable soup, chicken or ham salad croissant sandwiches, and jello salad, along with coffee, water, or lemonade.  The Homemakers would like to thank the Ladies of the Moose for a delicious lunch.  Well done!

Gerald Althauser of Althauser Honey, Kenton, Ohio asked us “What Do You Know About Bees?”. Jerry told of the different jobs that are performed within the hive: Queen Bee that lays 2,000-3,000 eggs per day, Drones (male), and the worker bees.  Jerry went on to describe the layout and working of the hive and also how he goes about extracting honey.

Jami Dellifield, Family and Consumer Sciences Educator, Ohio State University Extension showed us how to make a “Honey of a Protein Bar” with the help of Sally Newfer, Mary Biederman, and Angie Butterfield from the audience.

The following individuals received first place in their categories during the Cultural Arts judging:

Homemade Door Decorations-Mary Dick (Buckeyes); Photography-Carol Parsell (Forest Jackson); Fiber Arts Knitted-Janice Durenberger (Forest Jackson); Fiber Arts Crocheted-Susan Baughman (Good Intentions); Hand Stitchery Counted Cross Stitch-Elaine Hoover (Nite Owls); Hand Stitchery Plastic Canvas-Elaine Hoover; Wooden Item-Janice Durenberger; Handmade Jewelry-Nadine Boehm (Good Intentions); Decorated Wreath- Barbara Schnelle (Forest Jackson); Miscellaneous Creation-Elaine Hoover; Recycled Item-Jacque Sperling (Good Intentions); Clothing Creations-Cathy Rostorfer (Buckeyes); Doll Clothes-Cathy Rostorfer; Fleece Item-Elaine Hoover; Greeting Card Homemade-Jacque Sperling; Baby Item-Susan Baughman; Scarf-Mary Biederman; and Centerpiece-Barbara Schnelle.

The Four Top Winners were Susan Baughman (baby item), Janice Durenberger (wooden item), Elaine Hoover (miscellaneous), and Mary Dick (homemade door decoration).  The People’s Choice Award was won by Janice Durenberger for her wooden item, a clipper ship plaque.