To become a counselor when you are older, you must complete the CIT training program. The camp counselor training program is broken into two training sessions: Orientation and Basic Skills session and a Leadership and Self Development session. The system was designed to provide the information you will need to know before becoming a camp counselor.
Youth can serve as a CIT after completing 8th grade. Youth typically serve as a CIT for 2 years. As a sophomore in high school, youth will be able to apply for a counselor position. All counselors must complete both CIT training sessions before they may serve as a counselor. Teens will be able to serve as a counselor for 3 years. Those who are seniors will be considered “last year counselors.”
ORIENTATION and BASIC SKILLS – This session addresses the role and duties of a counselor. It provides a solid foundation on which to build your repertoire of counselor skills. Youth in 8th grade must take this course to become a CIT this summer. This session is scheduled for Friday, June 28 from 10:30 to 12:00 noon.
LEADERSHIP & SELF DEVELOPMENT - This session focuses on the leadership skills you need as a camp counselor and on the counselor’s role in helping campers grow through their camping experience. You will learn communication skills and how to foster positive camp environments. We recommend taking this class after 9th grade, but anyone may attend who has completed orientation. This session is scheduled for Friday, June 28 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Please indicate your intentions for serving as a CIT at this link: Even if you already have both classes OR if you don’t want to serve as a CIT, please fill out the form. If you completed a class last year, you do not need to repeat that class again. If you have already taken both classes, please choose “I’ve completed both classes” in the survey link below and you will be able to serve as a CIT for 2024. If you have decided you do not want to serve as a CIT, please select “I do not want to serve as a CIT at camp.”