We are proud to bring the acclaimed Active Parenting program directly to you! This workshop will show you effective ways to..
*use nonviolent discipline that really works
*open up lines of communication- before they get clogged
*teach responsibility, courage, and other important character traits
*encourage school success in 7 steps
*prevent future problems with drugs, alcohol and sex
*stimulate independence as your child grows older
*defuse power struggles with your children
$20 for classes that are included in series - January 17th- March 28th, 2019. Please register by phone or email.
This is for all interested parents, adults and caregivers of children.
Active Parenting Class
Primary tabs
Thursday, January 17, 2019 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm
OSU Extension, Hardin County 1021 W. Lima St., Suite 103, Kenton
Contact email:
Contact name:
Jami Dellifield
Contact phone: