The carcass show will evaluate the meat value of the grand champion and reserve champion steers, barrows, gilts, lambs, and goats from this year’s Hardin County Fair.
Carcass value will be determined by evaluating the dressing percentage, square inches of loin, external fat thickness, internal fat, quality grade, yield grade, and adjusted percent of muscle. Carcass information is very important to breeding livestock operations for making genetic improvements in their seed stock animals and also serves as an effective marketing tool for producers who sell their livestock for meat. The Hardin County Fair Carcass Show of Champions is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension, Mt. Victory Meats, the Hardin County Fairboard, the Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association, the Hardin County Cattle Producers, and the Hardin County Pork Producers.
2018 Hardin County Fair Carcass Show
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Wednesday, September 12, 2018 - 6:00pm
Mt. Victory Meats, 670 East Marion Street, Mt. Victory, OH
Contact email:
Contact name:
Mark Badertscher
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